Annual Brake for Breakfast
October 10, 2023
The annual Brake for Breakfast was a huge success, both locally and statewide according to Steele Memorial Medical Center press release. The Brake for Breakfast is an annual event that is held the first Wednesday in October. Locally, the event, sponsored by Steele Memorial Medical Center on October 4th in the Steele Memorial Parking Lot, served breakfast to 585 participants. Participants received a healthy breakfast burrito, a pink lunch bag and lunch container gift, along with breast cancer information. The information booth also handed out flyers on how to schedule a 3D Mammogram by calling (208) 756-5642. Trailing at the end of the drive thru Judy Washbon collected donations from event participants. All in all, the generous community donated $2,000. These donations will go to Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership (EICAP) Lemhi Custer County Cancer Fund.
The goal of the event is to increase breast cancer awareness for the women and men of the area. Detecting breast cancer early increases the chance for successful treatment and dramatically increases chances for a complete cure. According to the Health Department, breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women. About 1 in 8 women born today in the United States will get breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. According to the CDC, in Idaho, 123.2 women per 100,000 will develop breast cancer each year. The best protection is early detection. Marketing and Communications Director, Jenny Tracy, expressed her appreciation for Steele Memorial Auxiliary and employee help in making this event a success.