Department Directory
Thank you for your interest in Steele Memorial Medical Center. We look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact us. For your convenience, we have phone numbers available for ease of access.
The main number to the hospital is 208-756-5600.
The main number to the clinic is 208-756-6212.
- Administration 208-756-5728
- Case Management 208-756-5810
- Clinic & Outreach Services 208-756-5301
- Corporate Compliance Officer 208-756-5726
- Dietary Services 208-756-5633
- Emergency Department 208-756-5655
- Engineering / Safety 208-756-5716
- Environmental Services 208-756-5715
- Gift Shop 208- 756-5667
- Health Information 208-756-5621
- Human Resources 208-756-5665
- Information Systems 208-756-5731
- Laboratory 208-756-5641
- Marketing 208-756-5612
- Materiels Management 208-756-5719
- Medical Imaging 208-756-5645
- Medical Staff Coordinator 208-756-5728
- Outpatient Specialty Clinic 208-756-5666
- Patient Financial Services 208-756-5606
- Pharmacy 208-756-5675
- Quality Improvement 208-756-5331
- Risk Management 208-756-5726
- Rehabilitative Services / Therapy 208-756-5631
- Surgical Services 208-756-5674