Hospital (208) 756-5600 Clinic (208) 756-6212
Steele Memorial Medical Center 10th Annual Turkey Trot
Steele Memorial Medical Center hosted the 10th Annual 5K and 1 Mile Turkey Trot on Thursday, November 23rd, Thanksgiving Day. There were over 200 runners, walkers, and trotters ranging in age from 0 years to 80 years young. The weather was a brisk 30 degrees with overcast. Several participants dressed up in turkey costumes and other creative costumes including a pumpkin pie. Turkey Trot engraved tumblers were awarded to the first three 5K finishers, 1st place Andy Gebhardt from Salmon, 2nd place Cooper Bickhammer from Middleton, Idaho, and 3rd place Zach Hamil from Missoula, Montana. Following the race, a random drawing took place for paid participants. Drawing prizes included Rise N’ Shine gift certificates, Leopard Latte gift certificates, custom beanies, and custom tumblers.
Several runners and walkers graciously donated $110 at the event which Steele Memorial Medical Center matched the donation bring it to $220; the funds will go to the DWI Development Workshop Incorporate. A big thank you went out to Steele Memorial Medical Center staff and community participants for supporting the event.