Sleep Studies
Sleep Well, Live Well:
Your Journey to Better Sleep Starts Here
We know getting eight hours of sleep is important, but unfortunately, many people do not get the quality, full night of sleep they need. Various sleep-related breathing disorders can fragment and ruin sleep, leaving you unrefreshed and tired the next day. Though it might not seem like a big issue, lack of sleep can cause major health issues. If left unchecked, some sleep disorders can threaten your health resulting in high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.
At Steele Memorial Medical Center, we are here to help you get a good night’s rest. Our team of sleep specialists are here to provide comprehensive diagnostic, treatment and management services.
A sleep study can help detect common conditions such as:
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Insomnia
- Narcolepsy
- Parasomnia
- Restless leg syndrome
- Snoring
Do You Have Signs of a Sleep Disorder?
If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these statements, please consult a sleep specialist at Steele Memorial Medical Center.
A sleep disorder may be present if you experience symptoms such as:
- Dozing off or feeling sleepy during the day
- Feeling uncomfortable or restless in your legs
- Having trouble staying awake while driving
- Snoring or gasping for air during the night
- Sweating while sleeping
- Tossing and turning
- Waking up with headaches
- Sleepwalking/talking and night terrors
- Difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep and nocturnal urination
Sleep Treatments
We facilitate patient follow-up by educating patients with the latest comprehensive treatment options including:
- Individual treatment options.
- CPAP support and maintenance.
- Home sleep evaluations.
- Types of therapy.
- CPAP therapy.
- Surgical options.
- Oral devices.
- Complete diagnostic services.
For More Information About Sleep Studies
A poor night’s sleep is worse than annoying: it may be the sign of a serious health problem and it can also strain emotions, family and job relationships and social encounters. Together with your provider, the sleep specialists at Steele Memorial Medical Center can make adjustments to your lifestyle, medications, and habits that can help you sleep easier, so you can start enjoying your life again.
Make an appointment with your provider today to discuss if a sleep study is right for you (208) 756-5600