Steele Memorial Medical Center

Going Home

Perhaps the best words a patient can hear after being in the hospital are “You’re going home.” After all, it’s what you and your caregivers at Steele Memorial Medical Center have been working toward – for you to be healthy enough to return home and to your daily activities. Our staff work together with your physician to make sure you are ready to leave, you know how to care for yourself when you are home and that you get connected to resources that can help keep you healthy.

This section includes resources you will most likely access after leaving Steele Memorial Medical Center. We know that a smooth transition to home and easy follow up are key to a satisfying healthcare experience. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding your care, your bill or accessing other healthcare services. Call us at 208-756-5600 or click here for a list of department phone listings.

How Did We Do?

Your opinion about your care and our services matter. You may receive a survey from us by mail or email. We would appreciate a response to the survey. Your evaluation is the most important part of our efforts to continuously improve the quality of care and services we provide. We need to hear what you think about us. Please view Quality of care patient safety infection prevention for more information.

It is our privilege to serve you and we thank you for choosing Steele Memorial Medical Center.